About this producer:
Alfred Hecquet, originally from Cambrai in the north of France, came to the South West following the war of 1914 and married the daughter of a winegrower from the Sainte-Foy-la-Grande region.
In 1943, they bought a property called Cantalouette on the hillsides of Montravel, close to an old family home called Château de Ponchapt. This old castle, beautifully located on the height of a summit, had belonged to the noble family of "Ségur".
"The land of Peysservent", today Puy Servain, belonged to the "Lordship of Ponchac", according to the "confession and enumeration" formulated in 1764 by "Philippe Henry, Marquis of Ségur, Lord of Ponchac, Fougueyrolles and other places".
The coat of arms of their wines is evocative, both of the former and current owners. It reflects the centuries-old existence of the vineyard, and the nobility of its products. These owe their quality to the respect of the places, and of the wine-growing tradition, and also to the use of the most modern knowledge of oenology.
Isn't the best most often at the limit of the possible?
Hence the motto used under their coat of arms as well as on their labels and capsules.
"The best at the limit of possibility"
When Daniel Hecquet’s father inherited the estate, he left the cooperative winery to make his own wine, which he marketed under the name Château Puy Servain, the name of the place, which means Summit (Puy), Windy or served by the wind (Servain).
Since then, the operation has been constantly restructured, expanded, and enriched with numerous buildings and equipment.
As for Daniel, after having prepared a technician's certificate in Viticulture and Oenology, he obtained the National Diploma of Oenology at the Institute of Oenology in Bordeaux and wrote his final dissertation at Château d'Yquem, before taking over the management of the technical department and the oenology laboratory at the CIVRB for 8 years.
Currently, he is a consultant oenologist for several wine estates and is responsible for promoting Château Puy Servain Terrement.
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